Kids Cafe
Come out and Enjoy A Nice Dinner for a Good Cause!
Yearly Kids Cafe
a. This is a yearly fundraising event in which we partner with local churches, organizations, businesses, schools, and community members. All are invited to the dinner. All of the proceeds from this dinner go toward financing a summer camp for children in the neighborhood and for school supplies for students in the community.
Can't attend? No problem! You can still donate today!

Back To School Bash
Receive School Supplies and Motivation for the New School Year!
This is a community event in which students will receive school supplies and encouragement for the upcoming school year!
Special Guest:
In Partnership With:
Let us know if you are coming by RSVP'ing now!

We want to see people grow in their relationship with God through prayer, meditation, the Word of God, personal discipline, and develop their God-given talents. We want to serve the community by addressing their spiritual, mental and physical needs in a loving community.
All activities are past, present and future.
Past, Present, and Future
Activity 1: Outreach to Minoritized Communities and the Homeless
a. Feeding of the homeless in our city, the distribution of Hygiene products, and optional prayer.
b. We partner with local churches, volunteers from Southeastern University, and local High School students, and members of the community.
c. This activity is conducted on the streets of downtown where the homeless congregate. We go to them because many of them don't have access to come to where we are. This takes place in the low income section of downtown so many families come out to get items as well.
d. 10%
e. People and organizations that want to donate bring items that they want to donate and we gather our resources together and distribute them and 10%.
f.This furthers our exempt purposes because it is charity. It is helping to provide relief to the poor and underprivileged.
Past, Present, and Future
Activity 2: Faith Based Mentoring Groups
a. Our Girls and Boys Empowerment groups are dedicated to empowering young ladies and men in the ideals of Community Service, Academic Achievement, Respect, Conflict Resolution, Faith and Excellence in Leadership. It is our goal to provide group members with knowledge and interpersonal skills to be successful today and in the future. In the future, we plan to do visit nursing and group homes during the holidays to visit the elderly and orphans and to give gifts.
b. We partner with local schools, community organizations, businesses, churches, universities etc. to provide this service to students.
c. This activity takes place in local schools, libraries, at our central location, and/or local churches.
d. 15%
e. We partner with the community and individuals to gain financial support and 15%
f.This furthers our exempt purposes because it is charity. It is helping advance the education of girls and boys in the community. It is also helping to reduce neighborhood tensions by helping the youth build effective conflict resolution skills.
Activity 3: After School Program
a. Our After School Program will be dedicated to empowering students through academic tutoring, college and career awareness, and positive character formation.
b. We partner with local schools, community organizations, businesses, churches, universities etc. to provide this service to students.
c. This activity takes place in local schools, libraries, at our central location, and or local churches.
d. 45%
e. We partner with the community and individuals to gain financial support and 45%
f.This furthers our exempt purposes because it is charity. It is helping advance the education of girls and boys in the community. It is also helping to reduce neighborhood tensions by helping the youth build effective conflict resolution skills.
Past, Present, and Future
Activity 4: Kids Summer Camp
a. Every summer we host kids to camp for k12 students and college students. We teach them about the Lord, we take them on field trips, we conduct character-building activities, and tutoring.
b. We partner with local schools, community organizations, businesses, churches, universities etc. to provide this service to students.
c. This activity takes place in local schools, libraries, at our central location, and/or local churches.
d. 25%
e. We partner with the community and individuals to gain financial support and 25%
f.This furthers our exempt purposes because of its advancement of religion, relief of the poor, the underprivileged, it advances religion and education, it lessens neighborhood tensions, and it combats community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.
Past, Present and Future
Activity 5: Faith Based Activities
a. Faith Based Activities of Discipleship of children, youth, and families; Evangelism in the community; Community Based Dialogues about Racial Reconciliation.
b. We partner with local churches, volunteers from Southeastern University, and members of the community.
c. This activity takes place in local schools, libraries, organizations, at our central location, and/or local churches.
d. 5%
e. We partner with the community and individuals to gain financial support and 5%.
f.This furthers our exempt purposes because of its advancement of religion, it advances religion and education, it lessens neighborhood tensions, and it combats community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

Homeless Ministry
We will be feeding the homeless once a month. We will give out dinners and hygiene bags to the homeless quarterly in Polk County, Florida. Luke 11:41 states, " But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.

Holiday Happiness
During major holidays we will partner with local ministries and churches to bring happiness to the elderly. We will perform songs, give gifts and pray for the elderly. James 1:27 states, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Children's Home Christmas
We will partner with local churches and ministries to give christmas gifts to local homes that house children that have been abandoned by their families. James 1:27 states, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Education-Based Programs
Activity 1: After School Program
Purpose: Our After School Program is dedicated to empowering students through academic development, college, and career awareness, and positive character formation.
Partners: Local Schools, Volunteers from Universities and Colleges, and Members of the community, Community Organizations, and Businesses.
Location: Local schools, Libraries, Organizations, at our Central Location, and/or Local Churches
Activity 2: Summer Camp
Purpose: Our summer camp is dedicated to empowering students through academic development, college, and career awareness, positive character formation, and community service.
Partners: Local Schools, Volunteers from Universities and Colleges, and Members of the community, Community Organizations, and Businesses.
Location: Local schools, Libraries, Organizations, our Central Location, and/or Local Churches
Mentorship Programs
Activity 3: Faith-Based Mentoring Groups
Purpose: Our Girls and Boys Empowerment groups are dedicated to empowering young ladies and men in the ideals of Community Service, Academic Achievement, Respect, Conflict Resolution, Faith, and Excellence in Leadership. It is our goal to provide group members with knowledge and interpersonal skills to be successful today and in the future.
Partners: Local Schools, Volunteers from Universities and Colleges, and Members of the community, Community Organizations, and Businesses.
Location: Local schools, Libraries, Organizations, at our Central Location, and/or Local Churches
Faith-Based Activities
Activity 4: Discipleship of children, youth, and families, Evangelism in the community, Community-Based Dialogues about Racial Reconciliation.
Partners: To Spread the good news of the gospel.
Partners: Local Churches, Volunteers from Southeastern University, and Members of the community
Location: Local schools, Libraries, Organizations, at our Central Location, and/or Local Churches
Activity 5: Outreach to Minoritized Communities and the Homeless
Purpose: In partnership with other outreach-based organizations, we feed the homeless in our city, distribute hygiene products, and provide optional prayer.